Sunday, October 3, 2021

Happy Wife, Happy Life



  1. Happy Hubby, Pregnant Tubby?
    Happy Spouse, Happy House .. wife?

    Damn, I'm not any good at this!

    But the honeymoon is definitely going to be fun for at least ONE of them!

    1. Happy Dee, Happy me!
      Perhaps I need to follow up with another cap based on your clever word play :D
      They both look quite satisfied with their little scam, so I bet they have a whole wonderful life to look forward to.

  2. Nick happy not because he was married to love of his life. But he wanted to be married as the bride. Mary was happy and smiling holding hands with the love of her life. She happy because she was the groom. As they walked of the chapel, no one knew why they were very, very happy. They secretly switch bodies. And I think they'll stay like that?
