Friday, February 11, 2022

The Academy of Mandatory Feminization



  1. Here are the nine or ten of graduated class a grueling 4 years. They were once formerly males and now completely and fully girls, young women ready to service society as proper girls.

    1. Damn, I did not notice the tenth girl hiding just outside the picture.
      That must be Muhammed (Ann) Anwar. He actually enlisted by his own wish after he got tired of being accused of being a terrorist. No more of that now.
      The photographer, being a sworn racist, deftly excluded Ann from the photo. An act that instantly and severely against his will, awarded him a place in the following feminization program.
      Ann, now the new photographer, looks forward to seeing him again in two years, primly seated in between his classmates and giving the photographer his prettiest smile.

  2. Why hide the redhead behind all of those blondes?

  3. How do I get into the next class? Zoe

    1. I intimately know the headmaster (since I'm so good at headmastering), so I'll put in a good word for you ;)
