Thursday, February 17, 2022

The Wedding Proposal (caption story)

This story might seem familiar to some of my readers. It may be considered an illustrated version of one of my written stories.
I do not usually repeat myself, but when I came upon these lovely images, the story burst alive in my mind, and I knew I had to make these captions.
The story version goes by the same title, and you can read all ten chapters on my Lush Page. - Click here to read the full story -
There are chapters for the romantics amongst you. And there are chapters for those who like it more explicit. I sincerely hope you will take your time and enjoy the stories with both mind and body.
By the way, I also made a caption introduction to this same story, which I posted on this blog some weeks ago.
- Click here to view the caption introduction -



  1. She is stunning. 😎 How will Tony ever let her go? Did they buy a trousseau, or is Jacqueline the same size as Tina?

    1. If you read the full text story, you can find out what happens next. But I guess there is no spoiler that things does not go back to how they used to be.
      Fortunately, Tony has a good job, and he promised to provide everything Jake needed to go through with the sham. After all, it was quite a huge favour. And as a bonus, Jake got to keep the entire trousseau ;)
      (Though I suspect he wouldn't have minded getting his hands on some of Tina's stuff as well.)
